Tomorrow the calendar flips to December. The holidays are upon us. This can bring great joy, great stress or great sadness to your life.
I’m rooting for great joy and I’m going to help you make your journey through the month of December as joyful as possible.
For the next 31 days I will be running a series called 31 Days of Happy. Each day you will receive a Be-Mail that gives you a tip or idea on how to make that day a happy one.
Happiness is best when shared, so please let your friends know about this series. You can “like” it on Facebook, receive it via email or RSS feed. The important thing is that you open yourself to a season full of happiness. If you have any special traditions that make you happy during this time of year, please share them in the comments section or send me a message on Facebook.
I’m looking forward to taking this journey with you for 31 days of happy!